
Creating affordable opportunities for all children.

What We Do

Online and Free

Autific is super easy to download, and is completely free! Not only is it convenient, it does NOT require any wifi, so you can use it on anywhere! Autific is a personal mobile therapist that you can use anytime, anywhere.

Lots of Practice

Not only is Autific completely free of charge, it contains hundreds of practice problems for your child to work on. With examples and explanations, your child will be totally prepared for anything thrown their way!

Cutting Edge AI

Autific uses the most technologically advanced AI on the planet, with an extremely advanced Image Labelling system. This technology helps simulate therapies often performed by therapists.


This app is one of the most user-friendly applications out there. Though simple, Autific an incredibly effective therapeutic app. And for parents, there is a step-by-step guide on how to use each of the application's functions.



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Avinash Nayaranan Co - founder of lajdfla

alksdjf ldjf; djfasj k fsfaksd lkjd j lksaj dflkj jsdlkf l;s ldj dskaf alsdjf jsajlkfd ads flk lk;adfj fdjd lk lasdfjl ksaa kladjsf kjds fadlfk jdkals; flkjdf klajl fdsjlf alksdjf alkdsjflak jfklsda fdjfldkjsaf;afkd;f f fd fafjdajfdaj adjfaljsdf dsjf al afadfj l;kjdf kladsjf

Avinash Nayaranan Co - founder of lajdfla

alksdjf ldjf; djfasj k fsfaksd lkjd j lksaj dflkj jsdlkf l;s ldj dskaf alsdjf jsajlkfd ads flk lk;adfj fdjd lk lasdfjl ksaa kladjsf kjds fadlfk jdkals; flkjdf klajl fdsjlf alksdjf alkdsjflak jfklsda fdjfldkjsaf;afkd;f f fd fafjdajfdaj adjfaljsdf dsjf al afadfj l;kjdf kladsjf

Avinash Nayaranan Co - founder of lajdfla

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The Team

Ryan Jain

Founder / Developer

Ryan Jain is currently a sophomore at Saratoga High School. Despite his young age, his love for programming and CS is unmatched. Having programmed almost all his life, Ryan is now fluent in multiple languages, including Java, CSS, HTML, and Swift. In his free time, Ryan loves to play tennis, and plays for his High School's JV team.

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